Get Cozy

This space is where we get to explore the things that make us magical beings. We can share, Learn, and grow together.

It doesn’t matter where you are, I invite you to kick off your shoes, get comfy, and let’s start this enchanting journey to explore our magic selves.

I can’t wait to see where it takes us together.

Witches call it spells.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.

Atheists call it placebo effect.

Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone argues over what to call it. No one denies its existence.



Come sit with me. I have some tea or iced coffee, if you like.

We can dive into stories of ancient wisdom and the little magics of everyday life.

That's what ExploreYourMagicSelf.com is all about. It's a space where we explore the wonders of crystals, the power of our mindset, the mysteries of divination, the beautifully scary history of witchcraft, and the art of manifestation.

Lets find the magic in the mundane and learn how these practices can shift our perspectives and enrich our lives over time.

I’m no pro at any of this. I’m just exploring and would love to have you along for the trip.

My name is Jenn. Welcome…







These shiny friends have stories to tell…

I think of crystals as the Earth winking at us, each one whispering secrets and sharing energy vibes that are as unique as you and me.

Can we chat about how these beautiful stones can be our allies in healing, setting intentions, or just giving us a spark of joy?

I mean, I love sparkly stuff! But, you know, the deep, rich veins in a rough rock speak of history to me. Maybe it saw dinosaurs or our ancestors, you know?

Imagine them as friends who are always there, offering their silent support and guidance.

Come explore ways to use them in our daily magic.


Shaping our world, one thought at a time : Mindset is our inner magic wand. It's about seeing the glass half full, finding the silver lining, and knowing that even on cloudy days, the sun still shines above the clouds. Let's discover together how changing our thoughts can transform our life’s path, open up new possibilities, and help us dance in the rain while we're waiting for the sun to come out again.


Our very own blend of life's magic

Witchcraft is like cooking – it's a bit of this, a touch of that, all mixed together with a lot of love and intention.

It's about connecting with the rhythm of the Earth, celebrating the moon’s phases, and finding our own power to sprinkle a little magic into our daily lives.

Let’s share recipes, spells, and stories of how this ancient art continues to weave its spell in the modern world.


Weaving our Dreams into reality

Manifestation is all about dreaming big and then taking those dreams from our hearts and weaving them into our reality.

It’s like plotting a treasure map, where X marks the spot of our deepest desires.

Let's talk about setting intentions, visualizing our successes, and then taking those small, powerful steps to make it all come to life.

Get Cozy

This space is where we get to explore the things that make us magical beings. We can share, learn, and grow together.

It doesn’t matter where you are, I invite you to kick off your shoes, get comfy, and let’s start this enchanting journey to explore our magic selves.

I can’t wait to see where it takes us together.

Witches call it spells.
Christians call it prayer.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.

Atheists call it placebo effect.

Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone argues over what to call it. No one denies its existence.


Various versions, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Lorem Ipsum is simply a dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.